COVID-19 and Google Ads. 6 business areas have improved their performance.

While we were analyzing Polish business surges on the stock exchanges, the American service WordStream revealed no less interesting global trends. It turns out that the coronavirus has influenced even Google Ads! Let’s talk today about areas that have seen such positive changes in their advertising accounts as reduced transition fees, increased ad impressions and increased conversion rates.

  • Packaging and shipping materials. Retail shops have changed to online shops and now more than ever they need boxes and polystyrene film to send goods to customers. Companies that make money on packaging materials noted that during the quarantine period, advertisements for their products on Google were twice as frequent as before.
  • Stationery products. It is not quite obvious, but many companies have needed more stationery when they moved to a remote location. According to the source, people started looking for them more often on Google (up 90%), switching from search to paid ads (+35%) and shopping more often – the conversion rate has already increased by 41%. By the way, we have recently mentioned this area in the following material
  • Beauty and hygiene also come in handy. Flat duress has led to people going online even to look for soap and sanitary workers. And bam – the price for switching to hygiene products has become 14% more pleasant. Judging by the decrease in search costs per click and the increase in CVR, the SPA care category is now the best in this industry: here, transitions have become 20% cheaper and conversion has increased by 41%.
  • MEDIA. The entertainment industry has curtailed to satellite TV, just like in the good old days. Long live the lamp atmosphere at the TV as a family! Internet demand for media news has jumped sharply upwards, which will certainly have an impact on the cost of media advertising integration. Also during the quarantine period, interest in sports broadcasts increased by one-third, and the already high rate of requests for films and video content increased by 7%.
  • Delivery of flowers and gifts. The only other way to support your friends and family when you are locked up is to send a sign of attention. What can it be? During the quarantine period, online card orders increased by 15%, gift baskets by 30% and bouquets by 43%. Not a single Christmas
  • Financial consulting. Business areas that have not been affected by coronavirus fever can be counted on your fingers. Not surprisingly, there is a growing demand for experienced financial experts among those looking to stay afloat. Advertisers note that usually a considerable budget is needed to promote such services: the cost of keywords for search and CPC in this area is among the highest. However, these figures have now decreased, which is not the case with conversions.
  • And traditionally, health and medicine are already on this list. At a time when everyone rushed to Google Doctor in search of a magic pill that would save them from a new virus, it became easier for pharmaceutical companies to sell their developments. E-marketing analysts noted that there was increased demand on the web for both elementary ibuprofen and serious life-sustaining drugs. Demand has also increased, as has the conversion rate.

Here’s the wind of change for you. In the next article, we will talk about the industries for which the Coronavirus has become a ‘black swan’, as well as what marketing ideas are helping businesses counter this destructive trend.