Kwarantanna w Polsce złagodzona. Na co czekają przedsiębiorcy?

A quarantine easing plan called the “New Normalcy” has been in place since yesterday. It has been officially allowed to walk in parks and forests, and more people can now be in grocery shops at the same time. Poles are coming out of a strict regime prison, and when will the business be shut down? Quarantine measures will be relaxed in several stages:

The first stage has already been implemented. You will now meet more people in shops, and you can also walk in parks and forests and visit temples.

The second stage will be the opening of hotels and hostels, as well as cultural leisure facilities a la library and museums. Well, at least something, you should agree.

The next step will be the reopening of beauty salons and hairdressers, as well as shops in shopping centres, cafes and restaurants. May extroverts rejoice! However, restrictions will still remain: given the size of the facility, a certain limit will be set on the number of visitors.

When the 4th stage comes into effect, fitness clubs, cinemas, massage parlours and solariums will start operating. With the observance of the mask regime, naturally. As for the specific dates of introduction of each stage, they will depend directly on the dynamics of COVID-19 infections.

And the final step is open borders and mass events. But that will be later, and in the meantime, businessmen have time to prepare for a low start so that they can rehabilitate themselves as quickly as possible after quarantine. Think about what customers lacked during the self-isolation period and give it to them! Keep in mind that the priority information channel will still be the internet, which has only strengthened its position during the quarantine period. Special offers, optimised applications for mobile devices and, of course, a service with a needle. You now have a unique opportunity to break out of your niche. It is a sin not to use it.

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